Blue Sky Hemp Ventures Partners With Purity IQ to Deliver a CBD Gold Standard
Blue Sky Hemp Ventures is proud to have recently partnered with Purity IQ and the Cannabis Council of Canada in order to raise the bar on consistency, quality and efficacy within the CBD & Cannabis market. The study will include a handful of Canadian master growers and aims to build a diverse DNA and NMR database for the industry. This validated scientific reference library will enable the industry to identify cultivars and verify consistency in formulations of cannabis, hemp, and CBD products.
Purity-IQ Inc. is a global organization founded on cutting edge genetic, chemical and metabolomic biotechnologies. They deliver ingredient authentication and validation services to provide product transparency for brands and their consumers. The team has a long and successful history of defining authenticity, purity and consistency within the wine and honey industries, and are proud to be bringing this same methodology to the cannabis sector.
The research will analyze and capture detailed genomic (DNA) and metabolomic (NMR; Nuclear Magnetic Resonance ) data and develop proprietary insights into the biodiversity of cannabis and hemp cultivars within Canada. The project is focused on the validation of innovative NMR technology for use in the Cannabis industry. NMR enables industry to not only identify their unique product’s properties but also measure consistency through batch-to-batch testing. The following step includes pairing the results with their genomic testing that can verify the authenticity of the cultivar and provide proof of genetic identity.
“ Above all, we want hemp derived CBD to be a success for our own business and for the wider industry. Genetics and proof of genetics are key to this success and this research allows us to ID, trace and compare any biomass to verify the purity.”
Says Andrew Bailey, Head of Grower Relations, Blue Sky Hemp Ventures.
“By using Purity-IQ technology and our own input biomass, we are able to compare lot to lot and the consistency of the Input product we are running in extraction. We envision this technology to become the gold-standard for CBD authentication - similar to an Organic Certification. This will go a long way towards building consumer confidence.”
There is a particular need within the CBD space to provide consumers with reassurance on the efficacy and consistency of any CBD based products. This is especially important for the heavily regulated Canadian market when competing with the deregulated CBD market south of the border. Deregulation has had it’s pros and cons. It has brought the long overdue health & wellness benefits of CBD to consumers - but has also resulted in huge claims, varying results, and a glut of products on shelves threatening to devalue the entire market.
“Cannabis consumers are looking for consistency. They want to ensure they will get the same product and feel every time they purchase that product. For example for medicinal use – if I'm reliant on a product to relieve my anxiety so that I can function optimally, I need to be confident that it's going to perform the same way every time.”
Paul Valder, Chief Technical Officer, Purity IQ.
“With the use of NMR technology, it is broader than other conventional testing methods, which works amazingly for batch-to-batch testing for consistency, as seen in the wine and honey industries. You don't just see the compounds you have chosen to test for, but the entire metabolomic profile of your product.”
Blue Sky Hemp Ventures is among a small number of Canadian Hemp and Cannabis processors who are taking part in the research that will be scientifically advancing the future of the Canadian cannabis and hemp industry.
Using scientific identification, verification, and quantification methods, the research will result in a genomic DNA (“Iris”) and NMR(“Fingerprint”) that can be registered for each proprietary cultivar. The Purity-IQ Global Registration Certificate (GRC) will then identify and verify the authenticity, purity, and consistency of all ongoing production.
“We know what CBD is capable of, but not all cultivars are created equal. Like any developing industry we need to gain trust from our partner and consumers to secure the future of this industry.”
Andrew Bailey, Blue Sky Hemp Ventures